Off-radio Radio in the Akatarewa Ranges

On Sunday 27 August the Wellingon Amateur Radio Club and the Cross-Country Vehicle Club combined forces on a special Cross Country event to check out radio operation in the Akatarawa ranges. Max (ZL2MXN) organised the event. Max was a graduate of the July HamCram. A total of 9 vehicles ventured out with a number of amateurs in the group (a combination of Branch 50 NZART and 4WD members).

James ZL4JOCO reported:

“A good day out, proving that the Mount Clime 730 repeater is the easiest of the repeaters to access from all sorts of locations.  I got contacts on Climie 730, Belmont 710 and Porirua ZL DMR.  I even managed Mount Clime from Orange Hutt which is pretty much in the centre of the forest and down at the bottom of a valley.   I also managed to get the HT to get an APRS position packet to the Ngaio digipeater.  That was from a ridge line under a pylon.”

Well done Max and team!