Kits and books

The following kits and books are available for purchase through our trading table. We are getting low on stock of our exclusive Magnetic Loop kits so be in quick!

Only $25 incl. NZ shipping
Only $25 incl. NZ shipping
Only $25 incl. NZ shipping
Available as an A4 workshop manual ($35 incl .shipping ) or A5 book ($25 incl. shipping)

To order products see our Orders and Payment Page

For more information on our products see our Products Page

Random thoughts on Vintage Radio

A book by R.G Newlands ZL2AG

George Newlands ZL2AG

This book is a collection of previously published magazine articles contributed by George Newlands ZL2AG for the NZ Vintage Radio Society. Some of his writing has also been published worldwide and in the NZART Break In magazine.

Random Thoughts on Vintage Radio reflects his life-long fascination with servicing and restoring vintage radio receivers.

The book consists of 38 chapters (240 pages). It includes a diverse range of thoughts such as “Collecting –the disease we all share”, “Valve life and reliability”, “Servicing a Valve Chassis”, and “Disposal of a collection”, to name but a few.

There are numerous detailed technical notes accompanied with sketches and circuit diagrams written in his quirky and matter of fact style.

Recommended reading for vintage radio enthusiasts, or an ideal gift to someone you know who would appreciate a “real” book

Random Thoughts on Vintage Radio
By RG Newlands Price: $29

Email your order to:  
Bank credit: 06 0541 0859045 01
Make sure you give Name/Callsign in bank details and email separately.

Mag loop construction guide – online Zoom event – all welcome!

Magnetic Loop Antenna Capacitor Kit of Parts

Mag Loop antennas are becoming increasingly popular transmitting antennas for the lower frequency HF bands. This is because of their rather small size being suited to city residential sections or apartment buildings and the improved receive signal to noise performance over traditional wire antennas.

Online Shed Workshop

An online Zoom workshop on Sunday 6 September from 1300 hours NZST will cover the design and DIY construction of a 40m Magnetic Loop Antenna. (Mag Loop).

The workshop features a PowerPoint presentation by Bernard Robbins ZL2BD and an opportunity to have questions answered. The full content of the presentation will be published on the website in the week following the Zoom meeting.

To register for the workshop email us

Purchase the High Voltage Butterfly Capacitor for $80 incl. postage

Branch 50 NZART recently launched a trading table. The branch plans to sell a range of kitsets and books to amateur radio operators. Our kits will be designed to get more people active in our hobby on the HF bands and to make construction projects easier for the ordinary amateur operator – simple kits that make a difference to your operating experience.

The 40m magnetic loop capacitor is now available for sale through our trading table. It is just $80 including shipping for the full kit. To order go here. To download more information or the manual go here.

Don’t take too long to place your order as the level of interest has been high from ZL amateurs, and we have only a few left in stock. There may be a delay of a few weeks before these are back in stock once sold out.