YOTA OC – Youngsters On The Air Oceania – live on Facebook!

YOTA OC – Youngsters On The Air Oceania is now live on Facebook!

Go and check it out at https://www.facebook.com/groups/YOTAOC


#YoungAmateurRadioOperators 5-26 IARU

YOTA is a quickly growing group of young radio amateurs from around the world. It is our goal to get more young people interested in amateur radio and grow the amateur radio community. We will do this by hosting online and on-air events and also physical events like camps and the like.

Active Magnetic Loops for low-noise receive

Rx only active magnetic loop antennas

On Sunday 7 June Bernard ZL2BD provided us with an onlie Zoom shed workshop talk on active RX magnetic loops. As with all of his presentations, this was well researched and he had experimented with 5 different loops in drawing his conclusions.

A report is available below, and a presentation and commentary will be made available shortly on this website.

Magnetic Loop Antennas in general have encountered a resurgence recently for Amateur Radio. A key attribute that seems to have been rediscovered by many is the small physical size of antennas for the 3.5 – 30 MHz HF bands. This makes them an attractive solution particularly in urban environments where space for antennas is quite restricted. Another important attribute is the improved signal to noise performance on receive compared to larger conventional wire antennas.

Using an Active Mag loop receive-only antenna is another variation of Mag Loops that provides the benefits of a low-noise receiving system without having to meet the stringent low ohms loop and high voltage tuning capacitor that is required for transmitting.

Glenn ZL2KZ talks about the Panama Canal

Following general branch news and catch ups from members, our Zoom meeting of Sunday 17 May focussed on a presentation from Glenn ZL2KZ on his trip through the Panama Canal.  He gave us lots of facts and figures about both the old and new locks.

The following snap was taken of our Zoom meeting by John ZL2XJ:

Zoom meeting Sunday 17 May