Regular Meetings

Wellington Amateur Radio Club has held regular meetings since 1928. We were one of the four original regional organisations (2nd District) to join NZART. Today, our regular meetings are held on Sunday afternoons from 1pm to 3pm. Anybody is welcome to attend our regular meetings. They are normally held at The Collective Community Hub in Johnsonville, but please check our website to confirm the venue.

Our regular meetings provide an opportunity to conduct regular business, and to hold presentations on topics of a technical or general interest. We sometimes include guest speakers and visits to interesting facilities around Wellington.

In January and December there are no scheduled regular meetings, but instead we hold our annual Club Barbeque and our Christmas Dinner.

Check out our other activities and events. We regularly convene Shed Workshops, Emergency Communications activities and training sessions, and special interest groups. Many of these events require pre-registration as their are capacity limits. We also participate in major HF and VHF contests and we have weekly nets on HF and VHF.

Upcoming Events