
Welcome to Branch 50 (Wellington) NZART

I warmly welcome you to this website and invite you to take a look over what our amateur radio club is up to in Wellington.

Regular Meetings

We generally meet on two Sunday afternoons a month, either in people’s homes or at The Collective Hub in Johnsonville (1/33 Johnsonville Road), with a Christmas Dinner event in December and a BBQ lunch in January replacing regular meetings.  A social group also meets every 4th Tuesday of the month.  Increasingly, we are organising Special Interest Group meetings, to support members with common interests (e.g. DMR hotspots).

Anybody is welcome to attend any of our meetings.

In 2020 we relaunched our trading table after many years of recess.  The first item to be offered “on the table” was Bernard ZL2BD’s well regarded high voltage (5Kv) butterfly capacitor suitable for use with HF magnetic loop antennas.  Thisi kit is no longer available from Branch 50, but will shortly become available from another supplier.   We also now have four books written by members available to purchase for $25 a copy:  Vintage Radio, Magnetic Loop Antennas, Test Equipment, and our comprehensive ZC1 Manual.

In 2018 we inaugurated our monthly “Shed Workshop” events.  These are normally held on the first Sunday of most months from 1pm -3pm in one of our member’s garages.  Come along and get some more hands-on knowledge … whether that is calibrating your multimeter, or finding out about power supply designs, or building an SSB QRP rig or a magnetic loop antennas.   Today these tend to include more practical build sessions.  This might include building a Flowerpot Dualband antenna, a Tape Measure Beam, or a 49er CW transceiver.   Instead of a Shed Workshop, we may also schedule Special Interest Group meetings at the beginning of a month.

Around the middle of the month we hold our regular monthly meeting. We may have a presentation or activity that complements our Shed Workshops, but we normally have some formal club business as well, although we try to keep that to a minimum!   Sometimes we will visit a site of interest.  Once a year, in October, members compete for the Blackwood Cup with their homebrew projects.   The regular monthly meeting  is held at the Collective Community Hub in Johsonville on the third Tuesday of most months (February through November) starting at 7pm.

Weekly on-air nets
The club on-air HF net (callsign: ZL2WB) is on 7055kHz LSB on Sundays at 0930 hrs local time.  There is also a members net on Tuesday’s and Friday’s at 0830 hrs on the same band and frequency.  Members and visitors who are amateur operators are welcome to sign in.   Listeners are always most welcome.  Using the online KiwiSDR service (www.kiwisdr.com) can help with receiving stations and makes our nets accessible to non-amateurs.

We also hold a DMR net on the club DMR repeater (439.150 MHz) on Wednesday evenings at 2000 hrs, followed by a quick call on the 710 repeater at 2030 hours for those without a DMR capability.

Want to get into the hobby?
We have a programme to help people become amateur operators, to get the knowledge you need over a short period of time to get a licence and get your own call sign.  Please contact Mike (our membership rep) for more information on our HamCrams or on sitting the examination by self-study.    We will be holding a further HamCram later in 2024 or early in 2025.

Membership and Subscriptions

The subscription for the 2024/25 year was set at $10 (set in April through our AGM).

Our bank account is: ANZ Bank, Johnsonville, 06-0541-0859045-00

To join our club, you will need to complete the membership form.   See our Join page.

Come along to one of our meetings or activities

I want to personally invite you to attend one of our regular meetings or one of our scheduled activities.  You would be most welcome even if you are not an amateur operator and not yet a member.

You will be sure to fit in
Our club has been going since 1928 so we have a long heritage and a membership with a diverse range of interests.

The radio interests of our members span CW to Phone, RTTY, high speed WiFi, Meshtastic, POTA and SOTA operation, radio construction, and search and rescue and emergency services (AREC) support.  I am sure that you will find a niche in our club.  Come along and introduce yourself.  It doesn’t matter whether you are a licensed amateur or not.  We would like to meet you.


Malcolm ZL2UDF