At the Branch 50 event held at Mike ZL1AXG’s QTH on Sunday 21 July, Mike gave a presentation about sunspots – what they are and how sunspots impact on the ionosphere – and therefore on HF propagation, what the next cycle may hold, and their possible impacts on climate.
Branch 50 had its annual mid-Winter shared lunch on Sunday 23 June 2019 at Mike ZL1AXG’s QTH (2 Derry Hill, Churton Park, Wellington).
Plates of hot and cold food were shared alongside memories of Ralph ZL2AOH (now regrettably Silent Key as of Friday). There were also tales of the diminutive alternative to the Magnetic Loop, the Poynting Vector Antenna. When it was shared that the antenna was just 3/100 of a wavelength long, there was some disbelief about its properties. However, Bernard ZL2BD and Mike ZL1AXG noted that there seemed to be genuine research about this antenna, and given it is intended to receive magnetic waves (as opposed to electric waves) this may indeed improve reception. Also discussed were the challenges in making conical elements that are quite sizeable (albeit short).
There were also memory prompts from the past from members
A device of unknown purpose (Magnetron?, Phaser?)
A Creed latching relay (somewhat larger and heavier than you might think)
tales of great DX as a schoolboy when visiting the local ham radio operator in Cornwall, and a special QSL card from a Penzance Pirate
Two giveaways …
A tale of a repair of a Japan Radio Company (JRC) transmitter