The Branch will be participating in the NZART Jock White Memorial Field Day again this year over the weekend of 25th and 26th February. We will be joining Branch 42 (Titahi Bay Branch) this year at their venue at Hill Road in the Belmont Regional Park. Contact the Chair to record your interest in joining us this coming weekend.
February Branch Meeting – Cheap Chinese Mobile radios

Our first regular meeting of the year was held on Tuesday 18 February 2023 at The Collective Hub, 1/33 Johnsonville Rd.
Mike ZL1AXG gave a presentation on the strengths and weaknesses of a range of entry-level Chinese mobile radios based on online reviews. This includes VHF and UHF analogue and DMR radios. A follow up talk in March (at our AGM) will look at various Chinese handheld rigs.
Silent Key: ZL2ASH Brian Scott Clark

Brian used to be a member of Branch 50, but hadn’t attended meetings in a long time. He was a high achiever in the BNZ, rising to become Senior Manager Global Systems towards the end of his career with the bank. He was a keen constructor and gadgeteer. He was not limited to electronics, but had his own furnace, metal and wood-working equipment.
You can view the video recording of his Memorial Service here:
Wellington Branch 50 NZART committee members recently assisted the family of Brian Clark with the disposal of his amateur radio equipment. A car load of “used equipment/junk” is now stored at ZL2XJ’s garage. These will shortly be made available for inspection by members with the offer to purchase.
Kits and books
The following kits and books are available for purchase through our trading table. We are getting low on stock of our exclusive Magnetic Loop kits so be in quick!

To order products see our Orders and Payment Page
For more information on our products see our Products Page