Shed Workshops

What are Shed Workshops?

Since mid-2019 Wellington Branch 50 NZART has held regular Shed Workshops. These have proved popular, providing an opportunity for amateur operators to learn about techniques and topics in a more practical setting in somebody’s shed/garage on a Sunday afternoon.  They also represent a chance to  share technical experience and ideas and to get started on a new project.  

Each workshop has a nominated lead and is held in the garage of a local amateur radio operator. The workshops usually focus on a specific topic or technical activity, although this does not preclude anyone introducing unscheduled topics at a workshop.

Workshops may spin off projects, such as the construction of homebrew Magnetic Loop Antennas.  Where a series of workshops are focussed on construction of something of interest to attendees (or a group of attendees), donations may be requested to cover consumables/projects.  Sometimes these are paid for out of club funds.

Workshop format

Workshops are scheduled for a Sunday between 1pm and 3pm, normally on the first full weekend of a month.   Each workshop session has a nominated lead/convenor who sets the agenda and timetable as appropriate.  

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Previous Shed Workshops