Our regular meeting for September was held at The Collective Hub, 1/33 Johnsonville Rd on Tuesday 19 September 2023, from 1pm to 3pm. Malcolm ZL2UDF led a discussion on amateur radio related publications.
Emergency Communications Exercise – Special Event

On Saturday 16 September you will have the chance to practice sending messages in an Emergency Communications exercise involving Branch 50 and Branch 42 (Titahi Bay) of NZART.
Ross ZL2UAC will be net control. Operations will be on DMR repeaters (Wrights Hill Wellington and Colonial Knob, Porirua) from your home QTH.
You should have been contacted by email this week if you had earlier indicated an interest in emergency communications, were in one of our HamCrams, or a member of Branch 50 or Branch 42 NZART. Pre-registration is no longer required. AREC membership is not required.
You will be operating on VHF/UHF DMR repeaters locally and based from home. You will need to check in with Net Control at 4pm. You will need to provide a SITREP when you are called in. Please read the document “Radio Voice Procedures” attached to the email, that will explain the requirements for a SITREP.
It should be fun!