Club Projects

The Wellington Amateur Radio Club (Branch 50 NZART) recently acquired several projects from RemoteDX (an allied organisation wound up in May 2024). The club also initiated a DMR repeater project earlier in 2024.  As a result of emerging projects, the committee will use a project management approach that involves, each project having associated with it a simple project plan that identifies the associated team, project leader, starting budget and a programme of work with clear staging points.  Projects will provide the committee with regular quarterly reports and projects will be subject to periodic review.   As a general rule, while projects may receive a starting grant, they should be self-funding in the medium to longer term.

This section of the website will outline current club projects, and provide members with brief status updates on current projects.

Current Club Projects

  • DMR Repeater Project (Project Lead:  Zane ZL1CZ)
    • This project is up and running in an initial developmental and experimental stage.
    • See the Repeater page for more details on using the repeater, currently temporarily located in Newlands.
  • SDR Receiver Project (Project Lead:  Malcolm ZL2UDF)
    • This project was handed over to Branch 50 from RemoteDX.   
    • An SDR receiver is located and operational through at Tangimoana. 
    • See the SDR Receiver page for more details on the project
  • ENAMS HF Noise Monitoring Project (Project Lead: John Moriarty ZL2JPM)
    • This project was handed over to Branch 50 from RemoteDX. 
    • This is an IARU supported monitoring device, providing data to support conclusions on interference to amateur HF bands   
    • The HF Noise Monitoring station is currently located in Paraparaumu

Brief Status Reports (as at 30 June 2024)

  • Remote HF Station Project (Under consideration by committee)
    • This project was handed over to Branch 50 from RemoteDX
    • The committee will be considering the future of this project during 2024
  • DMR Repeater Project
    • The DMR repeater is located at a temporary site in Newlands and is fully operational. The repeater provides access for Wellington based amateur operators to all FreeDMR and Brandmeister TalkGroups.  
    • Possible permanent site locations are currently being investigated and a staging plan and operating budget 
    • A project plan is being finalised at present
    • Donor funding system are under development.  Regular users (whether Branch members or not) will be encouraged to make a donation to the club in support of running costs.  
    • Donations to the club bank account should be labelled “repeater donation”.  A suggested donation amount would be $30 per annum.
  • SDR Receiver Project
    • The project team will be increasing the resiliency of the existing SDR by way of replication.
    • A project plan is being prepared to support the existing Remote SDR receiving station
    • Further exploration of low latency remote SDR receiver is likely to proceed with a separate Special Interest Group (led by Ted ZL2TB) depending on the level of interest of members and initial experimental results
  • ENAMS HF Noise Monitoring Project
    • A project plan is being prepared to support this project.
    • The location of the monitoring system is likely to change during 2024.
    • The monitoring system has been in operation since 2021 and provides information to potentially enforce greater regulatory controls on radio frequency emissions, which represent a major challenge for amateur users of the HF frequency spectrum.