Experiments with equipment for a remote site continue … Bernard has now completed breadboards for connecting his Four Square remote controllers to Arduinos (both Mega and Uno arduino boards are on the breadboard) at each end (remote site and in Wellington). Now, for writing the software …
A Reconsideration of DX and Contesting Antennas for the Low Bands
As I mentioned at our last club meeting, I have been working on a paper that argues for a reconsideration of DX and contesting antennas for the low bands. This means that a smaller site would be required for any replacement station for Quartz Hill. I argue in the paper that phased vertical arrays make the most sense for 160m through 30m for a NZ DX location. Any site larger than about 1Ha would be adequate to build a collection of such arrays.
You can download the paper on the ZL6QH website.