Our meeting on 18 July at the Johnsonville Library (Waitohi Hub Makerspace) attracted 10 members.
Trevor ZL2AKW gave a talk on the Projects Group that developed a wide range of projects for ZL amateurs during the 1970’s through to the 1990’s. He covered “the why, the how, and the outcome”. Kits discussed included the QT silent tune up kit, the Chelmsford transceiver and tuners. Trevor also brought along some of the completed kits.
The Projects group had some very talented and well qualified contributors. One in ten active NZ Hams of the era bought at least one kit. The Chelmsford CW transceiver was a popular kit for portable operation. While some maybe were never completed, none went wrong!
Tea and coffee (courtesy of the club)was available after the meeting in the cafe upstairs.