WARC Inc Liquidation

Members have voted to “unincorporate” WARC Inc and revert to our underlying status: Branch 50 (Wellington) NZART.

A confirmation vote was held at the club’s registered office (229 Mark Ave, Grenada Village, Wellington 6037) on Sunday 25 March 2018 at 2pm.   Thirteen members were present and confirmed the decision to unincorporate.   Members of the Wellington Amateur Club Inc prior to incorporation have reformed as Branch 50 (Wellington) NZART.  This new organisation is an unincorporated club.

The final accounts at wind up are available here:


Final WARC AGM – Wednesday 21 March 7.30pm

The final AGM of Wellington Amateur Radio Club Inc was held on Wednesday 21 March 2018 at the Lutheran Church Hall, King St, Mt Cook, Wellington. Fourteen members were present.

WARC Inc members voted  in February to undertake voluntary liquidation as an incorporated society. Following the AGM, members met to reactivate Branch 50 (Wellington) NZART — which operated until the group incorporated 21 years ago so as to develop the Quartz Hill User Group project. They adopted a new set of rules, elected officers and determined the subscription.

(Updated 22 March 2018 by Doug ZL2AOV, the outgoing Secretary-treasurer and agreed liquidator of WARC as an incorporated society).


City Windom

Mike ZL1AXG hosted Evgeny UA3AHM recently, and Evgeny left behind a gift of a “City Windom”.   Evgeny is a manufacturer of amateur antenna equipment and commercial duplexers.   He is a talented OM and designed the City Windom himself.    You can read all about it in an article he prepared here.

Oscillator designs and the uBITx

Single valve oscillators were all the rage in the 20’s and 30’s.  We found out all about the origins and features of these oscillator designs at our 21 February meeting thanks to research done by Glenn Kingston ZL2KZ.   Glenn featured these designs in the construction competition in August 2017.

This was followed by a presentation from Mike ZL1AXG on the uBITx transceiver.  A separate summary and link to the presentation will follow.