Silent Key: ZL2ASH Brian Scott Clark

Brian used to be a member of Branch 50, but hadn’t attended meetings in a long time. He was a high achiever in the BNZ, rising to become Senior Manager Global Systems towards the end of his career with the bank. He was a keen constructor and gadgeteer. He was not limited to electronics, but had his own furnace, metal and wood-working equipment.

You can view the video recording of his Memorial Service here:

Wellington Branch 50 NZART committee members recently assisted the family of Brian Clark with the disposal of his amateur radio equipment. A car load of “used equipment/junk” is now stored at ZL2XJ’s garage. These will shortly be made available for inspection by members with the offer to purchase.

Kits and books

The following kits and books are available for purchase through our trading table. We are getting low on stock of our exclusive Magnetic Loop kits so be in quick!

Only $25 incl. NZ shipping
Only $25 incl. NZ shipping
Only $25 incl. NZ shipping
Available as an A4 workshop manual ($35 incl .shipping ) or A5 book ($25 incl. shipping)

To order products see our Orders and Payment Page

For more information on our products see our Products Page

Summer Lunchtime BBQ with XYLs

On 17 January we gathered at Mike ZL1AXG’s QTH from 12 noon for a summer lunchtime BBQ. XYLs and family members were invited.

It turned out to be excellent weather. We were able to share stories of summer adventures (particularly the acquisition of new radio gear from a Christmas estate sale) and chat about the club’s future with the upcoming Hamcram.

Meeting 15 November 2022

What is it?

We were asked to bring along something related to amateur radio to talk about at our meeting on Tuesday 15 November from 1pm – 3pm. We met at the Collective Hub, 1/33 Johnsonville Road and finished with tea, coffee and biscuits. Some of the things brought along included:

  • a CW practice oscillator
  • a two-tone generator for testing SSB TX
  • a mini mesh node configured for tunneling via a cellphone to the Wellington Mesh
  • 12v booster
  • 2 axis Globe for easy estimation of HF DX paths.
  • Slide rule calculators for antenna feedlines and power line carriers from th 60’s

John ZL2JPM gave his perspectives on a recent visit to Tasmania for a hamvention.

This was our last regular meeting for 2022, but our Christmas Dinner was on Monday 5 December 2022 at 12 noon. Contact Malcolm ZL2UDF to confirm your attendance and that of your XYL.