Regular Meeting – 16 May

We met as a branch on Tuesday 16 May from 1pm – 3pm at The Collective Hub (1/33 Johnsonville Road) for our regular May meeting. We considered this year’s remits for NZART Conference and had an update from Mike ZL1AXG on handheld purchases, including the branch’s TYT MD-UV390 DRM transceivers. Mike also spoke to upcoming construction workshops for the Flowerpot antenna (2m/70cm), simple HF antennas, and a 10m Moxon antenna.

7 May Shed Workshop – Selecting an HF station & antennas

This was the latest shed workshop in our series focussing on newly certified amateur operators follows our April HamCram. We met at Mike ZL1AXG’s QTH in Churton Park on Sunday 7 May (from 1pm – 3pm) to discuss options for selecting an HF rig and antenna.

Topics covered include:d

  • Purchasing an HF station (Bernard ZL2BD)
  • Discussion on antenna options for single band or multiband operation (Mike ZL1AXG)
  • Examples include a monoband Dipole, multiband EFHW or G5RV, and verticals
  • Dealing with a QTH with high RX noise levels (Bernard ZL2BD)
  • Clarifying level of interest in building an HF antenna (club to supply as kit)
  • Take order for Flower Pot antenna to be constructed at a Monster Workshop on Sunday 18 June
  • Basic operating procedures on HF (Mike)

Tea, coffee and cakes followed the workshop, thanks to Mike’s XYL Lynette.

Shed Workshop: Sunday 23 April – VHF/UHF handhelds

We met on Sunday 23 April from 1pm – 3pm at Bernard’s QTH, 1 Winsley Terrace, Churton Park. 15 people showed up.

We were able to welcome several of our HamCrammers and those on the wait list for the next HamCram as well as regular and other new members.

Topics covered included:

  • A general overview of the broad range of interests within amateur radio
  • A discussion on future topics for shed workshops that are of interest to those starting out in amateur radio
  • A quick guide and Q & A on options for handheld transceivers for VHF/UHF

The Shed Workshop concluded with tea, coffee and nibbles.

HamCram: 9 new amateur radio operators in one weekend!

Wellington Amateur radio club held its first HamCram from 14 – 16 April.

April 2023 HamCram participants

We were at capacity for the April Hamcram. At the last minute one person who had registered was unable to make it, but we had 11 attending, nine of whom gained their amateur radio callsign (an 81% pass rate). The other two people will be given additional assistance to get their callsign soon.

If you hear our new Wellington Branch 50 members on the air, please warmly welcome them to the world of amateur radio. They need to collect 50 contacts before making it on to the HF bands.


You can still email Mike if you want to be put on the list of those interested in attending a HamCram later in 2023. There are only six places left, so get in quick!

Our HamCrams are designed to “cram” your head with everything you need to know to become an amateur radio operator and get a callsign in a single weekend. We have a pass rate of over 80%. Some homework is required in advance of the weekend.