A New Multi-Mode Repeater for Wellington

Wellington Amateur Radio Club (ZL2WB) is excited to share that our new multi-mode digital repeater is live!

This repeater gives amateur operators in the region the ability to use digital networks without a hotspot and provides another form of communication not only in the region but across Aotearoa and the World! As the repeater is connected to the internet, those who are out of range but have a MMDVM hotspot will be able to talk with those using the repeater if you’re on the same talkgroup.

Our repeater is currently located in Newlands and is available for any licenced amateur to use; we encourage you to do so if you are within range. Remember to set up your DMR ID.

The repeater is currently set up for DMR using the Brandmeister and FreeDMR Networks, and also for D-Star users. Over time, we will continue to review the available networks, and we are happy to hear feedback on which networks you would like to see or have available on the repeater.

For more information on how to use each network, timeslot and dynamic talkgroup settings, which networks are currently available, the repeater status, and the repeater dashboard, you can visit the repeater tab on this site.

Service Manual – New Zealand Wireless Set No.ZC1 MKII

By Bernard Robbins ZL2BD

Available NOW in two different formats

Options: An A4 sized comb-bound manual that will lie flat and is good in a workshop environment. 110 Pages.  Cost Including Shipping $35 An A5 sized bound book for convenient reference that fits in a standard bookcase. The A5 book has four, fold- out circuit diagrams. Total 164 pages. Cost including Shipping is $25

An introduction to the manual

In this book Bernard reproduces the ZC1 service manual, which has been out of print for about 80 years. This book represents a primary source of technical information for those restoring the ZC1 MKIl. The original five Chapters is extended to ten by adding a significant amount of additional servicing information. Bernard provides a range of other useful circuit information including design enhancements and modifications developed by a range of amateur operators over the years.

This radio was produced by the New Zealand Government for use by the armed services during World War II. There are still many of these 80-year-old radios around, but finding supporting documentation today can be difficult.

Information is provided on a low cost, solid-state replacement for the vibrator. There is also a brief history of the ZC1 by Chris Underwood ZL2CU

Purchase on our Orders and Payment Page

NZART Activity Day at Willowbank Park

The branch turned up for a picnic lunch and put ZL2WB on the air at the NZART Activity Day on 1 January 2024. Around 20+ turned up and the weather turned out great. We were able to support some of our other members who activated SOTA stations within the region. What a great way to kick off 2024 for the Wellington Amateur Radio Club. Don’t forget our antenna construction event (tape measure beams) on Sunday 14 January that Eben ZL2EF is leading, and our annual club BBQ at Mike ZL1AXG’s QTH on Tuesday 16 January from 5.30pm.

ZL2WB VHF Field Day Activity

Six members of the club activated ZL2WB in the NZART Field Day contest. The weather wasn’t the best, but we made some contacts on all three bands we had equipment for: 6m, 2m and 70cm. As anticipated, there were not many active stations again this year.

Most contacts were on 2m SSB. The most distant stations worked were in Tauranga, Mt Taranaki and Marton. There were no South Island stations worked this year.