Youtube Showing: 19 July Meeting

Time: 1pm – 3pm
Location: The Collective Hub, 1/33 Johnsonville Rd, Johnsonville

We will be showing a range of amateur radio Youtube clips including:

  • A presentation by Scott McIntosh on the Sun’s Magnetosphere and his Cycle 25 prediction for a much bigger peak than other forecasters are suggesting
  • A review of the new Yaesu FTDX10
  • Information on the features and construction of the new QRP-Labs QDX digital only transceiver 80-20m

Shed Workshop Sunday 3 July – IC7300 Tips Part 2

iCOM IC7300 Hints and tips – Second session

1pm – 3pm Venue John ZL2XJ QTH

Mike ZL1AXG and John ZL2XJ provided a follow up talk on using the IC7300 covering the remaining topics not covered in the earlier June workshop.

This included more detail on storing settings on the SD-Card and using it to record voice messages for use in contests or to record QSOs.

There was also a further demonstration of software using the USB-B port including logging software.

Tea, coffee and cake followed the workshop with nine participants.

June Meeting – RemoteDX ENAMS monitoring equipment & shared lunch

When: 1pm – 3pm on Tuesday 21 June

Where: The Collective Community Hub, 1/33 Johnsonville Rd.

Members enjoyed our annual shared lunch to celebrate the shortest day and got to catch up with Brian ZL1AZE/VK3MI who was back in Wellington briefly on holiday after more than 10 years living in Melbourne. Brian is an honorary life member of Wellington Branch 50 NZART and continues to follow the club’s activities with interest.

At around 1.40pm John ZL2JPM gave a presentation on the ENAMS equipment purchased and operated by RemoteDX Inc. He described the challenges of noise levels and the formula used by international authorities to determine the noise floor in different locations, before discussing the ENAMS hardware, data collection and access system and the potential opportunities for the future. He clearly argued the value to the amateur ccommunity of having standardised RF noise monitoring systems.   The ENAMS equipment is operating in Wellington (now on the Kapiti Coast) and is part of a larger IARU experiment.  The RemoteDX ENAMS monitoring unit is currently the only one in the Southern Hemisphere. John’s presentation was well received.

June Shed Workshop – Tips and tricks for the iCOM IC7300

A number of members have the iCOM IC7300 transceiver as their primary base transceiver. One member has an iCOM IC705 which has a similar user interface.

This workshop provided an opportunity for members to share their tips and tricks in using the IC7300. Even those who didn’t own this rig, were able to learn more about iCOM’s user interface and its strengths and weaknesses. While the iCOM is straight forward to use, there are a number of traps that people discover as they go along. For example, if you have been using the rig on 10m FM (or similar) you may have adjusted the squelch control (which is shared with the RF volume control). When you switch back to 7.055 MHz for the Branch 50 NZART net on Sunday, you may find you can’t hear anything. Not even any band noise. You panic! What has gone wrong with my $2000 appliance? You may find the same result by turning both the RF Gain up full…. The answer is simple, always check the RF gain setting if you can’t hear anything. It needs to be set at about 11 o’clock if you want to hear something!

Presenters included Malcolm ZL2UDF, Frank ZL2TTS, John ZL2XJ, Bernard ZL2BD, and Mike ZL1AXG.

The presenters covered a range of topics including, pre-operating checks, simple controls (Gain controls, band switching, changing frequency on the waterfall display, using the attenuators and pre-amps, etc). They also delved a bit deeper into less frequently used features, including interfacing the rig to a computer, how to use the accessory outputs (e.g. to provide band-switching on a linear amplifier) and how to build a small interface to switch between pre-recorded voice messages for contest calling, and an explanation of various display modes (e.g. seeing RX and TX audio spectrum graphs on the display).

The shed meeting was held at John ZL2XJ’s QTH . A follow up session may be organised to cover things that we did not have time to cover – such as saving settings to the SD-card, software options for digital modes, and using the networking features of WFview software for remote operation.