Kordia equipment donated to QHUG

Kordia has kindly donated some surplus equipment for the QHUG future remote site. This includes two Datron 1Kw linear amplifiers and associated 28V power supplies as indicated in the images below.  These will be straight forward to connect up to amateur transceivers at the remote site.  We were also gifted two Datron transceivers that could be used for a range of purposes (e.g. beacon stations or for fixed frequency digital mode use) and a Furuno receiver.    These donations are huge boost to the project!

Linear amp photo #1Linear Amp Photo #2

Bernard ZL2BD has been busy

Experiments with equipment for a remote site continue …  Bernard has now completed breadboards for connecting his Four Square remote controllers to Arduinos (both Mega and Uno arduino boards are on the breadboard) at each end (remote site and in Wellington).   Now, for writing the software …

Bernard Arduino Breadboard #4 Bernard Breadboard #3

Club subscriptions now due

The AGM on Tuesday 17 March 2015 set this year’s subscription at $30, a rise of $5.

Direct payment to the club’s bank account is preferred.
Use your name and callsign as identifiers.

Please pay to Wellington Amateur Radio Club Inc
ANZ Wellington South 06-0577-0121800-00

20 dollars

Deposits over $30 will have the balance treated as a donation. Donations are most welcome. Receipts will be available on club nights, or by special arrangement.

Please note that cheques posted to the club mailbox may take some weeks to be delivered to the treasurer.  Note that your newsletter subscription will be automatically come to an end if subscriptions are not in the treasurer’s hands by the end of the club meeting on Wednesday 20 May 2015.