The third in a series of “nosh n natter nights” was a cold and blustery evening. However a dozen members turned out, complete with a plate. There was plenty of food.
Excerpts from branch newsletters from the last 50 years were read out stimulating conversation. There was also a tape recording or two of silent keys talking about the “good old days” of amateur radio and the second district radio club (aka Branch 50).
Most people were able to contribute something nostalgic – whether it was about their first crystal set, the amateur op who introduced them to amateur radio, or commentary on some strange electrical object that mystified the experts abroad (George’s dielectric constant measuring device). The night went on until 9.30pm before the Chair thought he had better call an end to the meeting (after failing to stop the nostalgic contributions 20 minutes earlier. There were no boring tales, but maybe a porky or two (from Richard?)!