Off-radio Radio in the Akatarewa Ranges

On Sunday 27 August the Wellingon Amateur Radio Club and the Cross-Country Vehicle Club combined forces on a special Cross Country event to check out radio operation in the Akatarawa ranges. Max (ZL2MXN) organised the event. Max was a graduate of the July HamCram. A total of 9 vehicles ventured out with a number of amateurs in the group (a combination of Branch 50 NZART and 4WD members).

James ZL4JOCO reported:

“A good day out, proving that the Mount Clime 730 repeater is the easiest of the repeaters to access from all sorts of locations.  I got contacts on Climie 730, Belmont 710 and Porirua ZL DMR.  I even managed Mount Clime from Orange Hutt which is pretty much in the centre of the forest and down at the bottom of a valley.   I also managed to get the HT to get an APRS position packet to the Ngaio digipeater.  That was from a ridge line under a pylon.”

Well done Max and team!

Junk Sale

Branch 42 held a Junk Sale on Saturday 26 August at their clubrooms: Tireti Hall, corner Tireti Road and Te Pene Avenue, Titahi Bay, Porirua 5022. THis was well supported by Branch 50 members. Some bargains were to be had. The photo shows Daniel ZL2DTL pouring over a box of high quality used equipment and considering whether it was worth investing hard earned cash!

Branch 50 Weekly Nets

Branch 50 HF Net
The club net is currently held every Sunday 9.30am local time, 7055 kHz LSB. Call sign ZL2WB. The current roster rotation to the end of August is:

09:30 Sun 6 Aug Bob ZL2AVM
09:30 Sun 13 Aug George ZL2AG
09:30 Sun 20 Aug Bernard ZL2BD
09:30 Sun 27 Aug Mike ZL2VMH
09:30 Sun 3 Sep Eben ZL2EF

Wellington Region VHF Net
Zane ZL1CZ has set this up a Wellington Region Weekly VHF Net on the Belmont 710 analogue repeater. The net is scheduled for each Wednesday at 2000 hrs.

Spread the word, and feel free to join in!