Club subscriptions now due

The AGM on Tuesday 17 March 2015 set this year’s subscription at $30, a rise of $5.

Direct payment to the club’s bank account is preferred.
Use your name and callsign as identifiers.

Please pay to Wellington Amateur Radio Club Inc
ANZ Wellington South 06-0577-0121800-00

20 dollars

Deposits over $30 will have the balance treated as a donation. Donations are most welcome. Receipts will be available on club nights, or by special arrangement.

Please note that cheques posted to the club mailbox may take some weeks to be delivered to the treasurer.  Note that your newsletter subscription will be automatically come to an end if subscriptions are not in the treasurer’s hands by the end of the club meeting on Wednesday 20 May 2015.

Our October Meeting will be a busy evening

Baluns and antenna tuners with our special Canadian guest, Dave McCarter VE3GSO


Our annual Blackwood Cup shoot out for best home construction project.

Lutheran Church Hall, King St, Mount Cook at 7.30pm on Wednesday 15 October 2014

Supper will be served as always.  Please feel free to join us.

“Marae operating Night”

July’s “Chat ‘n Chew” meeting was an excellent night all round, despite the weather. Check the club meeting minutes for details. (The saussie rolls must have gone fast; none there when I looked!)

The August meeting, on Wednesday 20 August 2014, is an early-start (7pm) “Home and Away” event: the club will be doing a show ‘n’ tell at the Newlands Marae (Nga Hau E Wha O Papararangi, in Ladbrooke Road, Newlands) . Members who cannot make it are invited to come on-air about 7.30pm — 7050 LSB — and provide some input for our guests to be suitably impressed by.  Glenn ZL2KZ will be picking up passengers at the Lutheran Church Hall, King St, Newtown, at 6.30pm; let him know if you need a lift.


Invitation to Digital Modes Talk at Branch 18

Welllington Amateur Radio Club Inc members have been invited to attend the next meeting of the Lower Hutt Branch 18 NZART meeting on 7 July 2014 at 7.30pm at their clubrooms for a talk by John Yaldwyn on Digital Modes.

It would probably help the Hutt club arrange the chairs and prepare the supper if WARC members intending to attend  were to let Br 18 president Don Cuthbert ZL2DON know in advance (