January BBQ and Estate Sale

It’s summer time! BBQ time.

Our annual club BBQ was held on 16 January 2018 at the Chairperson’s QTH in Churton Park. 15 members and one partner were present.

Following the BBQ (approx. 7.30pm – 8pm), members disappeared into Mike’s garage to look over Silent Key Doug ZL2AOV’s collection of parts, projects and equipment. Around two thirds of the high value items received a bid in excess of the reserve and were sold on the night. Some missed out on the piece of gear they were seeking to acquire because they were over-bid. THere was also plenty of junk. Only five crates ended up at the tip, so most of Doug’s amateur radio gear was recycled into the deep junk boxes of club members. Some got absolute bargains!

Piles of junk, or real bargains?

Blackwood Cup Contest -17 October club meeting

This year there were three entries in the Blackwood Cup contested at the October meeting ( Wednesday 17 October) at the Lutheran Church Hall, King St, Mt Cook, Wellington.

Bernard ZL2BD showed off a couple of SWR meters. One of these covered both HF (using a standard pair of toroids in a bridge circuit) and VHF/UHF (using a stripline circuit).  Bernard separates the sensor components from the metering components so that the bridge can be located somewhere remotely as required.

Mike ZL1AXG showed off his completed “Hiland” 0-30v 0-2A power supply and talked about a couple of the glitches he uncovered.  Occasionally when turning the unit on, the supply will not move off zero volts.  This is thought to be a function of the slightly different specs for the op amps, which were substituted.  The other fault is in the cheap $2.70 Aliexpress digital volt/ammeter.   The ammeter reports double the actual current!

Doug ZL2AOV talked to his uBITx transceiver and an extensive range of modifications, including built in battery,  VOX and S-meter.

The Blackwood Cup moves on from Mike ZL1AXG’s shack to Doug ZL2AOV’s shack, as he was declared the winner by Malcolm ZL2UDF.

September 2018 Club Meeting: Youtube clips

Our meeting of 19 September 2018  featured youtube clips on amateur radio topics.   We watched the following clips.

How to build a dummy load

The new Yaesu FTDX101D

A very simple arduino nano based CW keyer

A kitset bench power supply 0-30v

QSX transceiver from QRP-LABs

The µBITx transceiver

Win4icom Windows Software for the iCOM 7300

Magnetic loops

Teddy shoots into space above Auckland