June Meeting: Midwinter feast and reminiscing

A small group turned out on a very damp and chilly day for our mid-winter food celebration at a new venue – at the Collective Hub in Johnsonville.  Attendees were encouraged to bring a plate of either hot or cold finger food to share with others. 

We spent the time discussing amateur radio topics …. perhaps not so much on reminiscing … but rather on the future of our hobby and current projects.  

Shared lunch on Sunday 19 July

Bring something for sharing with other club members

Our mid-winter nosh up was held on Sunday, 19 July 2020, from 12 noon until 2pm. We enjoyed the warm of Bernard’s QTH with a smaller group of nine members attending. There was lots of good food and plenty left over and lots of chat. Members of the committee outlined progress in getting the Trading Table under way (including the new section added to the website and production of 15 Magnetic Loop Butterfly Capacitor kits). There was also discussion of the opportunity provided by the Maker Hive at Waitohi (Johnsonville Library) to attract younger members. There was endorsement of the idea of making available simple kitset projects to people interested in electronics. Several members were available to provide guidance to people of any age in using soldering stations at Waitohi. Use of the 3D printers could enhance interest in construction and digital techniques.

We also asked questions of George ZL2AG on his employment in the Post Office (and later Telecom) and his long history of involvement in amateur radio and vintage radio. A video recording was made of George’s interview, that will be available to members via this website in future. Others also reminisced on the “good old days” of amateur radio.

ETz night – June 2018

Our ETz night on Wednesday 20 June 2018 brought a good attendance – there is something about food to bring out the numbers.    A number of members brought along something to talk about, including an SWL diary from the early 50’s ,  a new touchscreen for a QRP rig, and a beefy transistor tester.

There were plenty of sausage rolls and cake to make us all feel replete!