Blackwood Cup Competition – 2019

Our regular meeting in September 2019 (at Mike ZL1AXG QTH) was the opportunity for members to bring out their home construction projects to be judged in the annual Blackwood Cup competition. The right to hold the cup has been contested since 1930 (won that year by ZL2BC)!

There were three entries in 2019:

George ZL2AG – Artificial RF Ground Unit.  George explained that Trevor ZL2AKW being on the thirteenth floor of a building needed to remove the noise from nearby audio speakers.  He explained how the unit was constructed, how it operated, etc.  supported with some written papers.

Mike ZL1AXG – Control Console.  Mike talked about easier control of the transceiver by the unit he had constructed. The unit sits between the microphone and transceiver.  The unit has 5 push buttons and 1 switch.  With the press on one button, it can select a CW or Voice Keyer function depending on the mode used. The fourth button replaces the PTT button on the microphone.

Bernard ZL2BD – Station T/R Switch and Phasing Unit for Receive Antennas.  Bernard talked about the first unit including how protection is provided from RF on Transmit going to the Receive Active Antennas.  Bernard then explained how the phasing unit can be used with a mix of two receiving antennas.

The winner for the Blackwood Cup in 2009 was announced as George ZL2AG for his Artificial RF Ground Unit.